Case Study – PDM Produce
Location: Newport, Wales
The Challenge:
When PDM Produce approached Universal Filling Machine Company with the idea of filling vegetable smoothies, this was a pretty unique idea. Today most health conscious people are familiar with the health benefits of these juices and this is a fast growing market sector.
PDM wanted to fill the juices into a 250ml PET bottle for retail and automatically apply a tamper evident cap. As farmers they were familiar with growing and packing fresh produce such as salad leaves but this was their first venture into packing liquids, so they needed a supplier who could offer help, advice and ongoing support.
With big plans and an idea that this could be huge, PDM was looking for a fully automatic solution but one which could be adapted and expanded to meet future growth.
Products to fill:
- Vegetable Smoothies
The Solution:
Universal supplied a Posimatic EV1000 four head filling machine and a Posicap fully automatic cap placing and tightening machine. Since the first installation both machines have already been upgraded to meet growing demand.
The Posimatic EV1000 automatic filling machine is suitable for filling up to 50 bottles per minute.
The Posicap twin head capping machine is also able to operate at speeds of up to 50 caps per minute.