It’s hard to think of a better endorsement for our products than an existing customer recommending them to another company…

In the summer of 2021, we installed an ATEX certified 12-head Posivac automatic filling machine at Stockholms Branneri AB in Sweden; to upscale the production of their handcrafted dry gin with their first Universal machine.
The Posivac’s broad fill volume capability and production speeds made it the ideal choice for filling their range of distilled spirits into bottles ranging in size from 5 to 750ml.
Being a vacuum level filling machine, the Posivac produces a consistent fill level, regardless of bottle volume inconsistencies, making it ideal for filling bottles which will be displayed on shelves and the liquid level will be visible.
Fast-forward to August 2022, and Stockholms Branneri AB recommended us to another gin producer in Sweden, who have subsequently ordered a very similarly configured Posivac automatic liquid filling system to fill their range of products.
Having seen the Posivac in operation, it became clear it would substantially upscale their production capability just as it has for Stockholms Branneri; enabling them to keep up with ever growing demand for their products.
In both cases, the Posivac’s wide filling range, ATEX compliance, and the simplicity of integrating other functions to it were key factors in the buying process. A variety of automatic capping and labelling systems can either be included during the original build or added retrospectively.
Do you need to upscale your filling production? Take a closer look at our range of automatic filling machines.